This is Nate and Sarah. 

They were married in April. You can't really see their faces here, but take my word for it. They're darling.

When they were married a month ago, I doubled as the mother of the groom and the wedding photographer. 


Because a few years ago, we paid a pro­fes­sional pho­tog­ra­pher a small for­tune to take wed­ding pic­tures, and we have 12 whole pic­tures to show for it. That’s right — 12. (Twelve. In case you need it spelled out.)  Sure, some of them are big. But so what? You can order a big pic­ture from Costco now for $10. Okay, so I’m not a purist, because a “real” pho­tog­ra­pher would gasp at the word “Costco,” but my good­ness — they’re good enough!

More about that whole fiasco later, includ­ing our wed­ding restage / retake session.….

So, I was the pho­tog­ra­pher for Nate and his dar­ling bride, Sarah. And guess what it cost us? Absolutely noth­ing! And we had 100 pic­tures to show for it. That’s one hun­dred. Good ones. At least.

You can tell that it is totally mak­ing my day to be able to say this.

So, as part of the cel­e­bra­tion of the mar­riage of Nate and Sarah AND my com­plete delight about pulling off their wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy, I’m post­ing some of their pic­tures. Enjoy.

Okay, now you see them.


Did I use the word "darling" already?

Vintage. A throwback to the 40's maybe?

Snapped this one at the very end -- and got the only blue sky of the day.

All I can say about this picture is "Nate must REALLY love Sarah." Because there is no way in the world I would have ever persuaded him to do this.

More about the wedding and my brief wedding photography career later. 
Have a great day. 
