Wednesday, December 29, 2010

And so this is Christmas

Christmas is over.

It feels a little like coming to the end of a really, really, really good book. Or like saying good-bye to a friend. No matter how many Christmases I spend, I always feel a little sad
on December 26th.

We had a quiet Christmas -- only 4 of us here together. But still, it was fun and peaceful and memorable. Here's my Top Ten List of Fun Stuff:

10. Our made-up "A Minute to Win It" game

 9. The snow

8. Sending out CDs

7. Eating food made by Becca

6. Skyping Josh and Nate (and their parents, of course)

5. Answering emails about "Do You Have Room?"

4. Going to the MoTab/David Archuletta concert with John

3. Opening this present from Nate:

2. Having Gary home for Christmas

1. Talking to Elder Edwards.

Christmases come and go. I'm just happy that I got to spend another one with the people I love.


  1. Love Love LOVE this post mom! You are the best mom EVER :)

  2. I feel the same way as you do. I need to go and check to see if you answered my email :)
