Thursday, January 6, 2011

Where's Mr. Monk when you need him? (And why is there a picture of Spam on my blog?)

Can I just say, before I get to my real point, that I LOVE the show “Monk”? If you haven’t ever watched it, it’s about a lonely, over-the-top OCD, head-case of a detective who just happens to be brilliant, and, of course, solves every case. And even though he has to touch every light and make everything add up to 100 and wash his hands constantly, you just can’t help but love him. In fact, I sometimes say I want to adopt him — because then my house would always stay clean. AND he could help me solve my current little problem.
Which brings me to the real point of my post. My website has been attacked by SpamBots. Have you ever heard of them? I hadn't. Until today.

SpamBots are not, like the name sounds, Spam-flavored treats. I only wish they were that harmless! SpamBots are annoying computer robots that cause mischief on the Internet, and for some reason, they targeted my little corner of it.

Don't worry -- they won't bother YOU. Just ME. Today, some little Bot started filling out my sheet music forms. And he did it a whole bunch of times. He sent me a lot of total garbage, like ireighejqkeufgaYDNJGOWKGAL.

This bugs me.

I feel like somebody who's just come home from a wonderful night out and discovers that her home's been broken into. So, she walks around the entire house, and everything is exactly the way she left it. That should make her feel better, right?


That makes her even more paranoid -- she thinks, "WHY, then?" And "Okay, what did they REALLY want?" And "Ewwwww! What do they KNOW about me?"

Much better if the flat screen TV is missing, or the jewelry box. Because then there's at least a POINT to the break-in.

So, after I started receiving this junk email, I looked all through my website, expecting to find some evidence--maybe some of my pictures wouldn't load, or some of my links would be broken. Or maybe there would be dummy content everywhere.

But no. Absolutely nothing was changed.

Which makes me a little crazy.

Ahhh! Where's Mr. Monk when you need him? HE would know what to do.

Anyway, all of this to say that my sheet music and mp3 forms are down. That means you can't get the music for a while. But check back, because they'll be up again soon. After I figure out what to do, and after I find a way to be ready for the next time that Bot guy comes lurking around my website.

I intend to make Mr. Monk proud.

And you can always email me, if you really want a copy of the music. But I'm not giving my email out here. (I don't want "him" to get a hole of it.) So you'll have to go to the "contact" page, and hopefully you won't run into any unsavory characters along the way.


  1. Love Monk! Hate Spam! Love your post! Hate Bots! Love you :)

  2. Strange, I've never heard of that before. I hope that never happens to me. I have emailed you a couple of times. I'm off to a family reunion in St. George. I'll re-email you when I get back.
